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GOST 27266-87

GOST 27266−87 molybdenum Wire for light sources. Specifications

GOST 27266−87

Group В74




Molybdenum wire for light sources. Specifications

ISS 77.150.99
GST 18 5000

Date of introduction 1989−01−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree No. 1115 from 31.03.87



The designation of the reference document referenced The number of the paragraph, subparagraph, apps The designation of the reference document referenced The number of the paragraph, subparagraph, apps
GOST 8.051−81 3.2 GOST 10354−82 1.5.2; Appendix 4
GOST 12.1.005−88 Appendix 6 GOST 11025−78 Appendix 3
GOST 12.4.013−85 Application 4, 6 GOST 12026−76 Applications 3, 4, 6
GOST 427−75 3.9; Appendix 7 GOST 13718−68 Annex 5
GOST 857−95 Annex 4 GOST 14192−96 1.4.3
GOST 1435−99 Annex 5 GOST 14316−91 3.1; Annex 4
GOST 1497−84 Annex 7 GOST 15150−69 4.2
GOST 1770−74 Applications 3, 4, 6 GOST 18242−72 2.2
GOST 2263−79 Applications 3, 4, 6 GOST 18300−87 Applications 3, 4, 6
GOST 2789−73 Annex 5 GOST 18321−73 2.2
GOST 2991−85 1.5.3 GOST 18481−81 Application 4, 6
GOST 3022−80 Appendix 3 GOST 18905−73 1.2.1; Annex 5
GOST 3776−78 Appendix 3 GOST 19265−73 Annex 5
GOST 4206−75 Appendix 3 GOST 19671−91 Applications 3, 4
GOST 4381−87 3.2 GOST 20010−93 Application 4, 6
GOST 5556−81 Application 4, 6 GOST 20477−86 1.3.6
GOST 5632−72 Annex 4 GOST 21014−88 Appendix 6
GOST 5959−80 1.5.3 GOST 21339−82 Annex 2
GOST 6507−90 3.2 GOST 21963−2002 Appendix 6
GOST 6709−72 Applications 3, 4, 6 GOST 23148−98 Annex 4
GOST 7376−89 1.5.3 GOST 23308−78 Annex 4
GOST 7933−89 1.5.2 GOST 24597−81 1.5.4
GOST 8711−93 Annex 4 GOST 25336−82 Application 4, 6
GOST 8828−89 1.5.2; 1.5.3 GOST 25706−83 Application 4, 6
GOST 9147−80 Applications 3, 4 GOST 28037−89 Annexes 4, 5, 7
GOST 9285−78 Applications 3, 4, 6 GOST 28498−90 Application 4, 6
GOST 9569−79 1.5.2; 1.5.3 GOST 28840−90 Annex 7
GOST 9736−91 Annex 4 GOST 29298−92 Applications 3, 4, 6
GOST 10054−82 Appendix 3

5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 3−93 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 5−6-93)

6. REPRINTING. September 2004

This standard applies to molybdenum wire produced by powder metallurgy, intended for the production of light sources.

Indicators of technical level established by this standard are intended for the highest quality products.


1.1. Wire shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

Wire shall be manufactured from molybdenum grades MCH, MC’s and MRN.

1.2. Basic parameters and dimensions

1.2.1. Assortment of wire — GOST 18905.

1.2.2. Type, group, and diameter range of the produced wire are given in table.1.

Table 1

Brand molyb-
Appointment Type Group Range of wire diameters, µm
Precision manufacturing
MCH Kern for making monosperma of tungsten wire, hooks, support and other details of the lamps
To And 30−2500 Increased,
B 15−400
Kern spiralizer for making vesperala tungsten
KS And 45−300 Increased
Auxiliary spiral Sun And 45−120 Increased
MK The inputs, support, traverses powerful and some of the special incandescent lamps, cathodes of gas discharge devices, etc.
- And 200−2500 Normal
MRN The inputs of the core with the helix of tungsten and its alloys, traverse
- And 600−2500 Normal

1.2.3. OKP codes are given in Appendix 1.

Examples of symbols in the technical documentation:

Molybdenum wire brand MCH, type K, used as core for the manufacture of monospiral of tungsten, the normal precision of group A, with a diameter of 100 µm:

Wire MCH-K-N-A-100 GOST 27266−87

Molybdenum wire brand MCH, such as COP, spiralizatia used for the manufacture of bispira of tungsten, high accuracy, groups A, with a diameter of 100 µm:

Wire MCH-KS-P-A-100 GOST 27266−87

Molybdenum wire brand MCH, the type of aircraft used for the manufacture of auxiliary coils, high accuracy, groups A, with a diameter of 120 µm:

Wire MCH-VS-P-A-120 GOST 27266−87

Molybdenum wire brand MK, normal accuracy, groups A, with a diameter of 200 microns:

Wire MK-N-A-200 GOST 27266−87

Molybdenum wire brand MRN, normal accuracy, groups A, with a diameter of 600 microns:

Wire MRN-N-A-600 GOST 27266−87

when ordering:

Molybdenum wire brand MCH, type K, used as core for the manufacture of monospiral of tungsten, the normal precision of group A, with a diameter of 100 µm:

18 5211 2018

Molybdenum wire brand MCH, type K, used as core for the manufacture of monosperma tungsten, normal precision, B, with a diameter of 100 µm:

18 5221 2018

1.3. Feature

1.3.1. The chemical composition of the wire shall be as given in table.2.

Table 2

The grade of molybdenum Mass fraction of molybdenum, %, not less Mass fraction of additives, % Mass fraction of the sum of impurities, %, not more
MCH Of 99.96 - 0,04
MK Of 99.92 Silicon 0,019−0,04 0,04
MRN Of 99.92 - 0,08

Note. The amount of impurities includes elements such as: calcium, magnesium, silicon, Nickel, iron, aluminum, if they are not additives.

1.3.2. Surface quality The color of the wire groups And with a diameter of 400 µm or less should be from black to dark gray, with a diameter over 400 µm, ranging from black to light gray. On the surface of the wire of the group had not allowed the grease, oxidation and other contamination. The wire should be without burrs, delaminations and cracks.

Wire with a diameter of 500 microns or more are allowed burrs and risks, not bringing the wire for the limit deviation for diameter.

1.3.3. Mechanical properties of the wire in the tensile test shall conform to the requirements given in table.3.

Table 3

Brand molybdenum, type Group Wire diameter, µm Conditional tensile strength, mn/mg/200 mm (g/mg/200 mm), not less

Rupture strength, MPa (kgf/mmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия), not less

MK And From 200 to 500 588,0 (60,0) 1186,0 (121,0)
MCH-K A, B From 15 to 70
833,0 (85,0)
1695,0 (173,0)
«71″ 90
784,0 (80,0)
1597,0 (163,0)
„91″ 200 686,0 (70,0) 1392,0 (: 142.0 cm)
And From 45 to 70
735,0 (75,0)
1490,0 (152,0)
MCH-SUN „71″ 90
686,0 (70,0)
1392,0 (: 142.0 cm)
„91″ 200 588,0 (60,0) 1186,0 (121,0)

1.3.4. Wire marks MCH-KS and MCH-sun should not end up with the helix in the conditions given in Annex 2.

1.3.5. Wire mark MK should have a structure like the one shown in hell.1−4 of Annex 3 after annealing at the temperature specified in table.4.

Table 4

Wire diameter, µm Temperature, °C
nominal limit deviations
From 200 to 800 incl. 1550 ±50
820 1000 1500 ±50
» 1050 " 1250 " 1450 ±50
" 1300 " 1500 " 1350 ±50

1.3.6. Wire with a diameter of 400 µm or less should be wound on the spool with no knots and loops. The winding should be dense and uniform over the width of the coil and to permit free spooling of wire from the spool. Allowed wire mark MK with a diameter of 500 µm wound on a coil.

Free Board height of the coil after winding of the wire should be not less than 2 mm.

The upper end of the wire should be tied in a loop or mounted on Board reel plastic tape with an adhesive layer according to GOST 20477.

Wire diameter greater than 400 microns needs to be wound into a coil. Each coil of wire shall be tied in three or four places with copper wire at the NTD.

Wire in coils should not Sivitsa in eight.

1.3.7. On the coil or the Bay must be a single piece of wire given in table.5.

Table 5

Wire diameter, µm The length of wire, not less, for groups
And B
From 15 to 50 incl. 500 300
" 51 " 100 " 300 300
" 105 " 200 " 200 150
" Two hundred ten " 300 " 100 100
" 310 " 400 " 50
" 410 " 1000 " 20
" 1050 " 1500 " 5
" 1600 " 2500 " 2 -


1. Wire mark MK segment length allowed in a half.

2. Wire groups And with a diameter of 30 to 50 µm is allowed 10% of the coils in the party with the length cut in half.

1.3.8. The cross section of the wire must be circular. Allowed ovality of wire not exceeding of the tolerance on the wire diameter.

Ovality of wire with a diameter of 400 µm or less is provided by the manufacturing technology.

1.3.9. Wire must not be brittle.

1.3.10. Wire diameter of less than 200 microns must not have kinks.

1.4. Marking

1.4.1. Each coil, a Bay or set of bays of the wire should have a label that indicates:

the name of the manufacturer;

symbol wire in the technical documentation;

batch number;

for wire diameter up to 400 mm inclusive, in nominal diameter and weight of the segments of the wire length of 200 mm, selected from two ends of the coil; wire diameter over 400 µm — diameter wire;

the length of wire on the coil or ground Bay or a set of bays;

the date of manufacture;

stamp of technical control.

1.4.2. On the box of coils of wire of the same diameter, type, group and precision manufacturing must be assigned to an accompanying label stating:

name of the manufacturer;

batch number;

the symbols in the technical documentation;

the number of coils or reels, and total length or mass of wire;

the date of manufacture.

stamp of technical control.

1.4.3. Cargo marking and handling marks: «Fragile. Care», «Protect from moisture» should correspond to GOST 14192.

1.5. Packaging

1.5.1. The surface of the wire of the group B shall be covered with a strip of thin special paper for NTD.

1.5.2. Wire spool of groups A and B placed in the boxes made of cardboard according to GOST 7933, each coil group B pre-invest in a package of plastic film graveyard 10354, which is sealed by the contact method. The Bay is wrapped in a double layer wrapping paper according to GOST 8828 or paraffined paper GOST 9569.

In the same package are allowed no more than two batches of wire for the same purpose.

1.5.3. The box with the coils, bays or coves bundles Packed in wooden boxes type III-1 according to GOST 2991 or boxes from wood-based panel type 4 according to GOST 5959, lined with double-layer wrapping paper according to GOST 8828 or paraffined paper GOST 9569, having compacted corrugated cardboard according to GOST 7376. The gross mass of the box should be no more than 20 kg.

1.5.4. Consolidation packages in transport packets with the mechanized collection shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of goods carriage applicable for the relevant mode of transport. Main parameters and sizes in accordance with GOST 24597.


2.1. To verify compliance with quality wire requirements of this standard carry out routine testing of each batch.

The party should consist of wire of one brand of molybdenum, of the same type, same accuracy, same group, same diameter, manufactured from the same batch of molybdenum powder is simultaneously mixed in the mixer, and be accompanied by a document about quality that contains:

the name of the manufacturer;

the symbol in the technical documentation;

the number of coils or reels and a total length (weight) of wire;

batch number;

the gross weight and net party.

2.2. To check the wire for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs.1.2.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.6, 1.3.7, 1.3.10 conduct continuous monitoring.

To check the wire for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs.1.3.1, 1.3.3, 1.3.4, 1.3.5, 1.3.9 conduct sampling.

The selection of coils or reels of wire in the sample is carried out by maximum objectivity, according to GOST 18321. Sampling inspection plans for controls comply with GOST 18242*.


* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 50779.71−99.

The sample size of coils or reels, and acceptance number, depending on the lot size given in table.6.

Table 6

The name of the test or test Item number Lot size, coils or reels.
The sample size or bays Acceptance
number, PCs.
technical requirements test methods
PCs %
1. Control of chemical composition
1.3.1 3.1 2−500 3 - 0
2. Control of wire diameter
1.2.1 3.2 2−500 - 100 0
3. Quality assurance 1.3.2, 3.3,
the surface of the wire 1.3.10 3.4 2−500 - 100 0
4. The tensile test, 1.3.3, 3.5, 2−15 2 - 0
test fragility 1.3.9 3.6 16−50
8 - 1
5. Check spirituelle 1.3.4 3.7 51−90 13 - 1
20 - 2
6. Check the structure 1.3.5 3.8 151−280 32 - 3
50 - 5
7. Check ovality
1.3.8 3.2 - - - -
8. Checking the winding quality
1.3.6 3.9 2−500 - 100 0
9. The measurement of the length of the segment
1.3.7 3.10 2−500 - 100 0

2.3. The acceptance wire at points 4, 5, 6 table.6 is carried out for each indicator separately.

Allowed from the manufacturer:

to check the chemical composition of the party powder or stabika;

verification of the microstructure of wire brand of MK to hold the wire made from the same lot of powder on dippredstavitelstv in each band: 200−400, 420−600, 620−800, 820−1100, 1150−1500 µm. Under dippredstavitelstv understand the wire diameter of the largest volume coils or reels controlled range.

2.4. To test for the absence of rosslea and cracks wire marks MK used for the inputs, select the three reel or of the Bay from the party.

2.5. Ovality of wire with a diameter of more than 400 µm is checked periodically at the request of the consumer.

2.6. The party accepted, if the number of defective coils or reels in the sample does not exceed given in table.6. If the number of defective coils or reels in the sample exceed given in table.6, the batch is rejected.


3.1. The chemical composition of the wire manufacturer check every batch of powder or cooked shtabikov according to GOST 14316.

Mass fraction of molybdenum is determined by the difference between the 100% and the amount determined by the impurities and additives.

The consumer checks the chemical composition of the samples of wire, selected from the party.

Sampling is carried out in accordance with Annex 4.

3.2. The wire diameter of 400 µm or less determined by the method given in Annex 5.

The wire diameter is more than 400 µm are measured on the three branches of Bay in two mutually perpendicular directions of the same cross section wire.

For wire diameter from 400 to 500 µm, the measurements are carried out lever-type micrometer with a scale division of 0.002 mm according to GOST 4381, more than 500 µm with a scale division of 0.01 mm according to GOST 6507.

Allowed diameter measurement by other methods or means, a measurement error which exceeds the requirements of GOST 8.051.

Ovality is characterized by polurazdeta wire diameters measured at one cross-section in two mutually perpendicular directions.

3.3. No surface defects (burrs, risks, delamination, cracks), color of wire, no traces of lubricant oxidation test visual inspection of the top layer of wire on reels or coils. Allowed quality control of the wire surface with a diameter less than 100 microns, with a magnification of not less than 12.5ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия, with a diameter of 100 to 400 µm with increase of no more than 6ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия.

Wire marks MK used for inputs, lack of delaminations and cracks test method is given in Appendix 6; it allowed checking the absence of rosslea metallographic method according to the method approved in the prescribed manner.

3.4. The absence of kinks in the wire check organoleptically pulling 1−2 m of wire through clenched fingers. Allowed test wire with a diameter of 200 microns and less with the increase of 12.5ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия.

3.5. Mechanical properties of wire control method is given in Annex 7.

3.6. The lack of brittleness of the wire detected in the process of winding on a coil or Bay.

3.7. Check wire marks MCH-KS and MCH-sun on spiralshell carried out according to the method given in Appendix 2.

3.8. The test structure of wire brand of MK after annealing is carried out according to the method given in Appendix 3.

3.9. The quality of winding wire on the coil and check visually the winding process. The free height side of the coil, measure, metal measuring ruler according to GOST 427.

Form coves checked visually.

3.10. The cut length of the wire is determined in the process of winding or rewinding according to the counter reading. Allowed consumers to determine the cut length of wire on the coil weight technique. The differences in the evaluation of the cut length of wire is determined by rewind at a counter.


4.1. Transportation of the wire should be done by all kinds of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation applicable to transportation of this species.

4.2. Storage wire — group 1 storage conditions according to GOST 15150.


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees the molybdenum wire requirements of this standard under the conditions of use, storage, transportation.

5.2. Guaranteed storage life of wire group A — 12 month B — 3 months from the date of manufacture of the products.

ANNEX 1 (mandatory)


Table 7

The grade of molybdenum
Type Precision manufacturing Group Diameter, µm OKP codes
MCH To N And 30−2500 18 5211 2010-
18 5211 2054
MCH To P And 30−2500 18 5212 9010-
18 5212 9054
MCH To N B 15−400 18 5221 2010-
18 5221 2027
MCH To P B 15−400 18 5222 9010-
18 5222 9027
MCH KS P And 45−300 18 5211 3012-
18 5211 3027
MCH Sun P And 45−120 18 5211 8012-
18 5211 8018
MK - N And 200−2500 18 5192 7026-
18 5192 7054
MRN - N And 600−2500 18 5039 5193-
18 5193 5054



1. The essence of the method

The method consists in winding wire on the core at certain values of the speed factor of the core and tension and determining the ability of wire to withstand without breaks certain regimes.

2. Equipment and instrumentation

Spiralization machine types B-282−03 and B-282−05, or any other, ensure the winding wire on the core under conditions given in table.8, 9.

Machine for winding wire coils on the spool, providing a uniform layout across the width of the spool.

Tachometers contact types TM, TV, PM, providing a measurement of the rate of helix range from 60 to 4000 minГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияaccording to GOST 21339.

Grammetry 4th grade precision gages G1−15, G10−50, Г25−150, Г50−300 or other devices which measure the tension with the desired accuracy.


3. Sampling

3.1. Samples for test taken from each coil or the Bay of the sampling wire.

The approximate sample length for wire diameter up to 120 microns (ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияmm), calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия, (1)

where ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияthe sum of the diameters of core and wire, mm;

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияspeed of helix, minГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия;

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияthe time of helix, min.

Approximate length for wire with a diameter of more than 120 µm (ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияmm), calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия, (2)

where ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияthe sum of the diameters of core and wire, mm;

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия — the number of turns of 1 mm spiral;

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия — the length of the wound spiral.

3.2. Sampling samples of wire is carried out in a manner ensuring no delamination places the slice visible to the naked eye.

3.3. Samples of wire must be wound on the spool. Allowed test wire diameter 251−300 µm directly from the production coils.

4. Preparing for the test

4.1. Test mode of wire determined in accordance with table.8.

Table 8

Test mode molybdenum wire

Test mode Wire diameter, µm
St. 45 to 120 incl. St. 121 to 300 incl. St. 45 to 120 incl.
The factor core, no less 3 3 2*

Speed of helix, min.ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия

1500 1000 3000
Time of helix, min.
15 - 15
The sample length of spiral mm
- 100 -
Type spiralization machine B-282−03,
B-282−05 B-282−03
The pitch of the helix From one to two diameters of wire


* Requirement optional to 01.01.90.

Note. The wire grade MCH-sun is 10% of the production of MCH-KS diameter range 45−120 µm.

4.2. Type spiralization machine installed in accordance with the mode of testing.

4.3. Spool or coil of wire samples fixed in head spiralization machine.

4.4. Refuel the car or molybdenum steel core of suitable diameter.

4.5. Spiralshell tension wire installed in accordance with table.9.

Table 9

Determination of the tension, the wire of helix

Diameter, µm The tension, mn (HS)
Diameter, µm The tension,
mn (HS)
From 45 to 60 incl. 392,0−648,0
SV. 80 to 100 incl. 990,0−1314,0
SV. 60 " 66 " 657,0−784,0
" 100 " 200 " 1324,0−1961,0
" 66 " 80 " 794,0−980,0

4.6. The tension wire with a diameter of more than 200 µm is not regulated.

4.7. Hold control start-up of machinery and test the speed of helix.

4.8. Allowed to reduce or increase the speed of helix from its nominal value of not more than 10%.

5. Testing

5.1. The test specimens of the wire is carried out in accordance with the mode shown in table.8, 9.

5.2. The core is served with tension, which ensures its uniform movement and eliminates the stretching and breaks.

5.3. Winding coils shall be uniform with no gaps.

6. Processing of test results

The coil of wire is considered usable if the helix wire diameter from 45 to 120 µm for 15 min and a diameter of from 121 to 300 µm in the spiral length 100 mm did not happen breaks.



1. The essence of the method

1.1. The method is to identify the microstructures of wire brand of MK after annealing for a certain regime and by chemical etching.

1.2. Evaluation of the microstructure is carried out by visual comparison with the control images of the microstructure.

1.3. By visual inspection one can make a conclusion about the suitability of wire brand of MK for manufacture of the heaters, cathodes, glands and other parts of the light sources.

2. Sampling

For wire diameter from 200 to 400 microns cut with the wire end at the coil area with the excesses caused by the fastening loop.

For wire diameter over 400 µm from the cut end of the wire in the Bay plot size of 50 mm.

Take samples for test and control samples with a length of 30−60 mm.

Note. Control think the wire specimen, multiple (at least three times) checked and having after annealing a specific mode, microstructure, typical of high-quality metal.

3. Equipment, materials, reagents

Electric resistance furnace with hydrogen, ensuring a smooth rise in temperature up to 2000 °C.

Metallographic microscope that provides magnification up to 600ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия.

Visual pyrometer with disappearing filament OPER-017 or another type, providing a temperature measurement with an accuracy of ±50 °C.

Clocks 1, 3 and 5 min.

A tungsten wire with a diameter of 0.5−1.5 mm according to GOST 19671.

A tungsten wire with a diameter of 0.05−0.1 mm for fixing the samples according to GOST 19671.

Emery cloth sanding paper, waterproof according to GOST 10054.

Potassium hydroxide technical GOST 9285.

The caustic soda technical GOST 2263.

Potassium genesisintermedia according to GOST 4206.

Chromium oxide according to GOST 3776.

Pasta GOI.

Hydrogen technical grade according to GOST 3022.

The fine wool felt for electrical equipment according to GOST 11025.

Woven fabrics of cotton coarse calico group according to GOST 29298.

The technical rectified ethyl alcohol according to GOST 18300.

The Murakami reagent; prepared by mixing 5 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияof 20% aqueous solution of potassium relatoseroticos and 25 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияof 20% aqueous sodium hydroxide solution.

Laboratory filter paper according to GOST 12026.

Protakril (medical), butakril or other istropolitana plastic.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

Cylindrical ferrule of any material with diameters from 15 mm to 30 mm, the height of the clips 10 mm.

Porcelain mug with a capacity of 1000 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияaccording to GOST 9147.

Beaker with a capacity of 1000 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияaccording to GOST 1770.

4. Preparation of samples and the method of identification of their microstructure

4.1. Samples of wire of appropriate diameter tie in bundles of no less than 10 PCs.

4.2. Clean the surface of samples of wire from the technological lubricant method are given in Appendix 6 of this standard.

4.3. To put the subject and control samples in a furnace with tungsten muffle. The samples shall be placed in the middle part of the muffle.

4.4. To anneal the subject and control samples of wire on the modes given in table.10.

Table 10

Diameter, µm Temperature, °C The annealing conditions
The duration of the stage of annealing, min. Dew point of hydrogen, °C, not above
The rise Excerpt Cooling
1500−1550 2−3 6 5 -20
1300−1500 1300−1350

4.5. Away from the middle part of the samples annealed wire segments 10 to 15 mm. the Number selected for the manufacture of micro-sections of samples should be at least 5 pieces of wire with a diameter of 200−400 µm and 3 PCs. — for wire diameter of 400−1500 microns.

4.6. Mount longitudinal micro-sections of samples of wire in plastic, or any other method that provides lasting secure them in a cylindrical cage.

4.7. Sanded on abrasive sandpapers with progressively smaller grit sizes from M40 to M14 with the application on the last operation chrome polishing paste (GOI). Grind all the skins are in the same direction.

4.8. Processing sections by the method of etching the polishing. To carry out polishing on felt using a freshly prepared suspension consisting of 30−50 grams of chromium oxide, 30−50 g of potassium relatoseroticos, 4−10 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия50% sodium hydroxide solution (potassium) and 1000 cmГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияof distilled water.

4.9. Etched sections for the final identification of the structure in the Murakami reagent. Etching of thin sections to wiping.

4.10. Section surface is rinsed in running water, dry with a dry filter-paper.

Note. Grain boundaries in thin sections must be clearly identified. In the case of rastravleniya grain boundaries of the micro-sections to remodel according to the PP.4.8, 4.9.

4.11. Allowed to carry out the production of thin sections in any other way, providing a qualitative identification of the structure.

5. Methods of assessing the quality of a microstructure

5.1. To examine the microstructure of the samples under a microscope at magnification of 100−200ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия, pre-wiping cone cotton cloth soaked in alcohol.

5.2. To compare the microstructure of test specimens from the test sample and the control images.

5.3. The structure of the molybdenum wire brand MK, annealed by mode table.10, must be characteristic of the metal in the stage of primary recrystallization and match given on features.1−4. Wire, the structure of which corresponds to hell.5 and 6, is considered to be of poor quality.

5.4. If unsatisfactory results on the microstructure in any diameter range of wire is considered to be poor in this range of diameters.


Damn.1 — Wire diameter from 200 to 800 µm

Wire diameter from 200 to 800 µm

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия


Damn.2 — Wire with a diameter of from 820 to 1000 microns

Wire with a diameter of from 820 to 1000 microns

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия


Damn.3 — Wire with a diameter of from 1050 to 1250 µm

Wire diameter from 1050 to 1250 µm

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия


Damn.4 — Wire with a diameter of from 1300 to 1500 µm

Wire diameter from 1300 to 1500 µm

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия



Damn.5,6 — Wire with a diameter of from 200 to 1500 µm

Wire diameter from 200 to 1500 µm

ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия


ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия




1. The essence of the method

The method consists in sampling from powder, shtabikov or wire for conducting chemical analysis on the content of additives and impurities.

2. Sampling

For the final verification of the chemical composition of each party is taken 0.3 kg of powder, rod billet single or three coils of wire. The length of the wire specimen with a diameter less than 300 microns should be 3−5 m, over 300 mm — 0.5−1 meters.

3. Equipment, materials, reagents

The drilling machine table model HC-12A or C25 2A-106P or any other type at a speed not more than 280 minГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия.

Sheet non-standard size with curved edges in stainless steel according to GOST 5632.

The rectifier BCA-5A or other type providing an electrolytic etching of the surface.

The cathode in the form of a flat plate — stainless steel according to GOST 5632.

Tweezers stainless steel according to GOST 5632.

A glass or porcelain mug according to GOST 9147.

Hydrometer, General purpose, glass for measuring the density of liquids from 700 to 2000 kg/mГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условияGOST 18481.

Funnel glass according to GOST 25336.

Probe pravootnosheny of steel according to GOST 5632.

Beaker measuring according to GOST 1770.

Magnifier with GOST 25706 foldable with increasing 10ГОСТ 27266-87 Проволока молибденовая для источников света. Технические условия.

Goggles according to GOST 12.4.013*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.013−97 (hereafter).

The end cutters according to GOST 28037.

Fabric: cotton, coarse calico group according to GOST 29298.

Drying oven laboratory according to GOST 23308.

The caustic soda technical GOST 2263 or potassium hydroxide technical GOST 9285.

Ammeter M-4200 according to GOST 8711.


Thermometer according to GOST 28498.

Pyrometric millivoltmeter according to GOST 9736 thermocouple platinum-platinite to 1300 °C.

Hydrochloric acid synthetic technical GOST 857.

The technical rectified ethyl alcohol according to GOST 18300.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

Technical rubber gloves according to GOST 20010.

Laboratory filter paper according to GOST 12026.

Packages custom sizes of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354.

Medical absorbent cotton wool GOST 5556.