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GOST 3339-74

GOST R ISO 22034-1-2013 GOST R ISO 22034-2-2013 GOST P 53772-2010 GOST 5468-88 GOST 1579-93 GOST 10447-93 GOST 3187-76 GOST 9870-61 GOST 4034-63 GOST 4032-63 GOST 4028-63 GOST 792-67 GOST 16135-70 GOST 3920-70 GOST 9850-72 GOST 7675-73 GOST 18901-73 GOST 3062-80 GOST 3093-80 GOST 1526-81 GOST 2771-81 GOST 3875-83 GOST 3071-88 GOST R 50575-93 GOST P 50708-94 GOST 4033-63 GOST 13840-68 GOST 15598-70 GOST 3090-73 GOST 3110-74 GOST 3339-74 GOST 3120-75 GOST 283-75 GOST 10505-76 GOST 14963-78 GOST 14081-78 GOST 7372-79 GOST 5663-79 GOST 1545-80 GOST 3092-80 GOST 9161-85 GOST 29121-91 GOST 18143-72 GOST 1668-73 GOST 7480-73 GOST 7676-73 GOST 3193-2015 GOST 2715-75 GOST 10506-76 GOST 7669-80 GOST 2333-80 GOST 7668-80 GOST 3069-80 GOST 7667-80 GOST 2688-80 GOST 3089-80 GOST 3081-80 GOST 6727-80 GOST 3083-80 GOST 3091-80 GOST 7665-80 GOST 3077-80 GOST 2387-80 GOST 3064-80 GOST 3063-80 GOST 7348-81 GOST 5437-85 GOST 14118-85 GOST 23279-2012 GOST 14311-85 GOST 9074-85 GOST 3068-88 GOST 13603-89 GOST P 50566-93 GOST 4030-63 GOST 4035-63 GOST 4029-63 GOST 15892-70 GOST 11850-72 GOST 18899-73 GOST 6750-75 GOST 3088-80 GOST 10446-80 GOST 14954-80 GOST 7681-80 GOST 3079-80 GOST 3066-80 GOST 3097-80 GOST 3085-80 GOST 8478-81 GOST 4727-83 GOST 18834-83 GOST 26366-84 GOST 9124-85 GOST 3067-88 GOST 3070-88 GOST 3306-88 GOST 8803-89 GOST 17305-91 GOST P 50567-93 GOST 9389-75 GOST 2172-80 GOST 1071-81 GOST 3826-82 GOST 16853-88 GOST 12766.1-90 GOST 3241-91 GOST 16828-81 GOST 285-69 GOST 6613-86 GOST 28334-89 GOST 16827-81 GOST 5336-80 GOST 3282-74

GOST 3339−74 Mesh woven wire «achene». Technical specifications (Changes No. 1−4)

GOST 3339−74
Group В76




Woven-wire sieve for grain.

ISS 77.140.65
OKP 12 7500

Date of introduction 1975−01−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from 07.05.74 N 1071

3. REPLACE GOST 3339−46


The designation of the reference document referenced
Item number
GOST 166−89
GOST 427−75
4.4, 4.5
GOST 3282−74
5.2, 5.4
GOST 3560−73
GOST 8828−89
GOST 14192−96
GOST 15150−69 5.6, 5.7
GOST 24597−81
GOST 25706−83
OST 14−4-210−87
OST 14−15−193−86

5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−95)

6. EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, approved in January 1978, November 1982, December 1985, September 1989 (IUS 1−78, 2−83, 3 to 86, 12−89)

This standard applies to woven wire mesh, designed to separate granular materials according to the size and shape of grain in agriculture, textile and other industries.

The grid is a wire cloth of linen weave limited in weft by single wires and in base — strands, consisting of three adjacent wires.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4).


1.1. The mesh is manufactured in two types:

L — lung, if the warp wires and weft have the same diameter;

T — heavy, if the weft wires have a diameter larger than the warp wires.

In view of the surface mesh are made:

— without coating;

— galvanized wire groups L and S.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

1.2. The width of the cell and the wire diameter for mesh, light type shall be as specified in table.1.

ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканая

Table 1

Dimensions are in millimeters

The number grid The nominal width of the cell between
Nominal diameter of wire
strands of wire bases wires duck
10 2,2 0,4
12 2,5 0,5
14/3 14 2,8
16 3,5 0,6
18 4,5
20 5,5 0,7

1.3. The width of the cell and the diameter of the wire mesh heavy type shall be as specified in table.2.

Table 2

Dimensions are in millimeters

The number grid The nominal width of the cell between
Nominal diameter of wire

strands of wire bases wires duck the basics duck
10 1,4 0,6 1,2
12/1 12
1,6 0,7 1,4
16 1,8 0,8 1,6
18 2,2 1,8
22 2,3 2,0

1.4. The mesh number corresponds to the size of the cell, the number to the left of the slash is the width of the cell between the strands of the wire framework, the number to the right of the slash is the width of the cell between the weft wires, with rounding to the nearest whole number.

Examples of symbols

Mesh light type with the width of the cell on the basis of 20 mm weft 5.5 mm from wire without coating:

Mesh 20/6 GOST 3339−74

Same, galvanized wire group L:

Mesh 20/6 L GOST 3339−74

Mesh heavy type with the size of the cell on the basis of 22 mm weft 2.3 mm, from galvanized wire group:

Mesh T-22/2 WITH ГОСТ 3339–74

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

1.5. Limit deviation of the arithmetic mean size of the cell from the nominal shall not exceed ±7%.

1.6. The maximum permissible deviation from the nominal size of the side of increased individual cell shall not exceed 20%.

1.5, 1.6. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

1.7. Mesh shall be manufactured with a width of 1000 mm Limit deviations on width should not exceed ±1,5%. At the request of the consumer grid is manufactured with a width of 1200 mm.

1.8. The grid must be supplied folded into rolls. The coil should be no more than five pieces of the grid. The minimum length of the cut roll — 2 m

1.7, 1.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

1.9. The living section, the theoretical weight of 1 mГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканаяof the grid, the number of strands of warp and weft wires per 1 DM grid provided in the app.


2.1. Mesh shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

Mesh shall be manufactured from low-carbon heat-treated without coating or galvanized wire groups L and C OST 14−4-210.

Allowed the weft wire diameter 1.6 mm to manufacture without heat treatment.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4).

2.2. The interweaving of warp and weft wires should be correct. No missing wires.

2.3. The mesh should not be torn wires and stitched seats.

2.4. The grid cells must be transverse. Allowed the partial change of the formula of the cell not more than two cells in the 1 mГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканаяmesh.

2.5. The interweaving of the wires must be sturdy and to prevent their mutual displacement.

2.6. The tension of the warp and weft wires should be uniform. For grid light type allowed the easing of a tension of not more than three wires bases on a length of 1 m.

2.7. Grid light type manufactured zakritimi and without secrec, mesh heavy type made without secrec.

In the manufacture of grids by zakritimi permitted loops on the edges of the canvas. The length of the loop should not exceed 50% of the distance between the strands of the wire framework. In the manufacture of the mesh without secrec the ends of the weft wires have to be exactly trimmed.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

2.8. Coil weight should not exceed 80 kg.

(Added, Rev. N 3).


3.1. Mesh take parties. The party should consist of grids of the same type, size, and material must be furnished by a single instrument of quality in which you specify:

is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;

— the symbol grid;

— the width and length of mesh;

— number of rolls in the party;

— the number of mesh in square meters.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

3.2. To check the quality of meshes from the party take 5% rolls, but at least two coils, which have a check:

— the correctness of the weave;

— the arithmetic mean of the width of the cell in light;

— the maximum deviation of the size of the individual cells of nominal size;

— the width and length of the grid.

3.3. In each selected coil check all the pieces mesh.

3.4. If unsatisfactory validation results of at least one of the indicators, it conducted a re-verification at twice the number of coils not subjected to control.

The results of the repeated checking are final and apply to the entire party.


4.1. The correct weave checked by visual inspection during the rewinding of the roll.

4.2. The mean width of the cell in the light is determined separately for weft and in warp as the result of three measurements made in three different places in the grid at the discretion of the inspector, of which one is located in the middle of the grid, and the other two edges, but not closer than 100 mm from the edge of the grid.

The mean width of the cell in light (ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканая), mm, is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканая,

where ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканаяis the actual number of cells in 1 DM;

ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканая — coefficient, equal to unity when determining the average of the width of the cell at the duck, and the three — in basis;

ГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканая — nominal diameter of the warp wires or weft.

4.3. The width of the cell measured by Vernier caliper according to GOST 166 or measuring magnifier with GOST 25706.

4.4. The width of the mesh measured in any place meter according to GOST 427.

4.5. The length of the mesh test meter on the control car or the meter to measure the churchyard 427.

4.4, 4.5. (Changed edition, Rev. N 4).


5.1. The ends and edges of rolls of meshes in mild type must be wrapped in paper according to GOST 8828или other paper of equal protective properties, or container holstoproshivny canvas or other materials in addition to fabrics made from natural fibers without deteriorating the quality of packaging.

5.2. Each roll of mesh in the middle and the edges should be tied low carbon wire diameter 1.8−2.5 mm according to GOST 3282 or other soft wire according to normative-technical documentation (NTD).

5.3. To the end of the roll or package must be attached to the label, which indicate:

is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;

— the symbol grid;

— the width and length of the grid.

5.1−5.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

5.4. Mesh transporterowych rolls with a diameter from 260 to 550 mm and a length from 1000 to 1500 mm or packages according to GOST 24597.

When transporting a single load of two or more coils are formed integrated package.

Packaging should be done mechanized or manual way. The weight of the package — not more than 1 tonne of Disposable packaging means are wire rods with a diameter of 6,0−6,5 mm for OST 14−15−193, binding wire according to GOST 3282 or tape according to GOST 3560, or other rod, wire or tape at the NTD according to the quality standards noted above. The formation of a package made from rolls of meshes, which are placed in a horizontal position. The packages are tied in two places with the loop under the hook of the hoist.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3, 4).

5.5. Transport marking under GOST 14192.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

5.6. The mesh are transported in the covered vehicles of all types or in universal containers in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation applicable to transportation of this species. Transportation by rail — carload or small shipments.

The terms of the transportation grid in terms of the impact of climatic factors should correspond to the storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150 for transportation in covered vehicles and storage conditions 8 according to GOST 15150 for transportation in universal containers.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 4).

5.7. Storage mesh should be carried out on storage conditions 5 according to GOST 15150.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).



Table 1

Grid light type

The number grid The living section of the grid, %

Theoretical weight of 1 mГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканаяmesh, kg

The number of strands of wires basics 1 DM grid
The number of weft wires per 1 DM grid
76 0,66 9,0 38,0
74 0,85 7,5 33,0
77 0,76 6,5 30,0
0,91 5,5 24,0
80 0,78 5,0 20,0
0,90 4,5 16,0

Table 2

Mesh heavy type

The number grid The living section of the grid, %

Theoretical weight of 1 mГОСТ 3339-74 Сетка проволочная тканаяmesh, kg

The number of strands of wires basics 1 DM grid The number of weft wires per 1 DM grid
46 4,08 8,5 38,5
47 3,99 7,0
45 4,80 7,0 33,0
46 Of 4.66 6,0
5,49 5,5 29,5
49 5,72 5,0 25,0
48 6,20 4,0 23,0