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GOST 8693-80

GOST 8693−80 (ISO 8494−86) of the Pipe metal. Test method turn-up cuffs (with Amendments No. 1, 2)

GOST 8693−80
(ISO 8494−86)
Group В69



Test method turn-up cuffs

Metal pipes. Method of flange testing

AXTU 1309

Date of introduction 1980−07−01


1. DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by VNIITE and the Ministry of metallurgy of the USSR


G. I. Gulyaev, V. P. Sokurenko, V. I. Serbin, V. A. Esterkin, A. D. Little

2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from 28.03.80 N 1417


4. The standard fully complies ST SEV 480−77 and ISO 8494−86


The designation of the reference document referenced
Item number
GOST 2.308−79 1.1
GOST 2789−73 2.3
GOST 6636−69 1.3
GOST 8908−81 2.1
GOST 9013−59 2.3

6. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 7−95 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−95)

7. The re-release (Oct 1998) with Amendments No. 1, 2 approved in December 1984 and November 1989 (IUS 3−85, 2−90)

This standard specifies the test method turn-up cuffs metal seamless welded pipes with external diameter ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)up to 160 mm inclusive wall thickness of not more than 9.0 mm at a temperature of 20ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)°C. the wall Thickness should not exceed 10% of the outer diameter of the pipe.

The standard fully complies ST SEV 480−77 and ISO 8494−86.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


1.1. For testing select samples of this length, in which the remaining after flanging the cylindrical portion of the sample will be not less than 0.5ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2). Carrying out the test directly on the tube.

The cutting plane must be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe (GOST 2.308) with a permissible deviation of not more than 1.0 mm.

1.2. The samples are made so to exclude the influence of the method of selection for the properties of the sample.

1.3. The ends of the cut should be machined without Burr. The edges of the specimen can be rounded. The radius of curvature not more than 1.0 mm (GOST 6636).

1.4. Testing of samples of welded pipe may be performed after removing the internal bead means, excluding the change in the properties of the sample material.

1.5. The number of samples for testing is set in the normative-technical documentation for pipe.


2.1. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the cone angle of the mandrel ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)used to pre-distribution of the sample must be 90°.

Limit deviation taper angle at the flange 60 and 90° should correspond to the 10th degree accuracy 8908.

2.2. Tool for flanging must have:

the diameter of the cylindrical end smaller than the inner diameter of the pipe is not more than 1.0 mm;

the diameter of the flat ledge perpendicular to the axis of the mandrel or at an angle thereto equal to or exceeding the specified diameter bead;

the radius of the fillet ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2), equal to twice the wall thickness of the pipe, unless other requirements of normative-technical documentation for the products.

2.3. The working surface of the mandrel shall have a hardness of HRC of at least 50 (GOST 9013), roughness ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)of not more than 20 microns (GOST 2789), and when tested shall be covered with grease.


3.1. Test turn-up cuffs consists in flanging the end (cut the pipe) to form a flange of a given diameter ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)or get the size of the flanging ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)in percent of inside diameter.

3.2. The test is carried out continuously flare 90° to the generatrix of the sample (Fig.1) if you do not specify another angle in the normative-technical documentation for the products.

Before flanging the sample may be subjected to the distribution of a conical mandrel before the formation of the outer diameter, providing the specified or determined by the diameter of the bead (Fig.2), followed by limb the edge of the sample the planar surface.

ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)


ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)


3.3. When testing is not permitted rotational movement of the mandrel or of the sample. In case of disagreement in assessing the quality of implementation speed of the mandrel in the sample should not exceed 50 mm/min.


4.1. The test results determined by the magnitude of the maximum diameter of the bead (ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)) after the test, the magnitude of the flanging ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)in percent of the inner diameter of the pipe (ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2)) by the formula

ГОСТ 8693-80 (ИСО 8494-86) Трубы металлические. Метод испытания на бортование (с Изменениями N 1, 2).

4.2. The outer diameter of the samples before the test and a diameter after the test Board is measured with an accuracy of not less than 0.05 mm for pipe diameter up to 20 mm and with an accuracy below 0.1 mm for pipe diameter more than 20 mm.

4.3. The sample is considered satisfactory if, after flanging there are no cracks or tears with a metallic luster, visible without using the magnifying devices.

4.4. In the test report indicate: materials and pipe sizes; the results obtained.

The text of the document is verified by:
the official publication of the
M.: IPK Publishing house of standards, 1998