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GOST R 55044-2012

GOST R 55044−2012 Technical diagnostics. The procedure for the selection of test objects for calibration of means of diagnostics of stress-strain state of structural materials. General requirements

GOST R 55044−2012
Group Т59


Technical diagnostics


General requirements

Technical diagnostics. Selection of test items for the calibration of equipment for measuring the stress-strain state of structural materials. General requirements

OKS 77.040.10

Date of introduction 2014−01−01


The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"

Data on standard

1 was DEVELOPED by limited liability company «Energodiagnostika (LLC «Energodiagnostika»), the independent nonprofit organization «Scientific-research center of control and diagnostics of technical systems» (ANO «nits KD»)

2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 132 «Technical diagnostics"

3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated November 8, 2012 N 700th St


Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly published information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet


It is known that the control of technological residual stresses in the manufacture of engineering products differs from the problem of voltage control in operating structures, particularly when evaluating their resource.

Most of the methods of control of stress-deformed state of equipment and structures based on calibration testing of samples in tension. At the same time, it is known that such calibration is not always consistent with the stress-strain state of structural elements of real equipment. The creation of a common reference samples for comparison of different NDT methods for stress taking into account the scale factor, the nature of workloads and locality zones of maximum stresses is a complex scientific-technical problem.

In these circumstances, a standard that sets General requirements to the procedure of selection of test items in the calibration means of diagnosing stress-strain state of structural materials depending on the objectives of the study.

1 Scope

This standard applies to engineering products, pipelines, vessels and structures for various purposes and their elements, including the weld joint of any design, made of steel and alloys, cast iron and other structural materials without restriction sizes and thicknesses.

The standard establishes General requirements to the procedure of selection of test items in the calibration means of diagnosing stress-strain state of structural materials depending on the objectives of the study.

2 Normative references

This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:

GOST R 52330−2005 non-destructive Control. Control of the stress-strain state of objects of industry and transport. General requirements

GOST R 52728−2007 Method field of densitrometry. General requirements

GOST R 52731−2007 nondestructive testing. Acoustic method of control of mechanical stresses. General requirements

GOST R 52890−2007 nondestructive testing. Acoustic method of control of stresses in material of pipelines. General requirements

GOST R 52891−2007 Control of technological residual stresses by laser interferometry. General requirements

GOST R 53204−2008 nondestructive testing. Acoustic method of control of variable mechanical stresses. General requirements

GOST R 53966−2010 nondestructive testing. Control of the stress-strain state of the material structures. General requirements to the procedure for the choice of methods

GOST R ISO 24497−2-2009 nondestructive testing. The method of metal magnetic memory. Part 2. General requirements

GOST R ISO 24497−3-2009 nondestructive testing. The method of metal magnetic memory. Part 3. Weld inspection

GOST 12.1.019−79* the System of occupational safety standards. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Valid GOST R 12.1.019−2009, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

GOST 12.1.038−82 standards System of labor safety. Electrical safety. The maximum permissible values of the touch voltage and currents

GOST 18353−79 nondestructive testing. Classification of types and methods

GOST 21616−91 strain Gages. General specifications

GOST 21625−76 Device information-measuring digital, with a string transducer for measuring linear dimensions

GOST 23479−79 nondestructive testing. Methods optical. General requirements

GOST 28836−90 force measuring strain gauge Sensors. General technical requirements and test methods

Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and on relevant issues published monthly information index «National standards», published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 Symbols and abbreviations

This standard applies the following abbreviations.

VAT — intense-deformed condition;

EOPO — object elements of industrial hazards;

NDT — non-destructive testing;

OIS — the object of tests;

OK — the object of control.

4 General provisions

4.1 In the development of technical regulations, national standards and enterprise standards, design and other normative and technical documentation for products that represent parts or aggregations of objects of industrial hazards: pipelines; vessels under pressure; responsible of the power structure, etc., should be provided methods of diagnosis of VAT, implemented NDT methods according to GOST 18353, and requirements to the choice of OI in the calibration of diagnostic tools.

4.2 NDT Methods VAT and used their settings should be sensitive to the integrated assessment of VAT of the material, EOPO given its structural heterogeneity.

4.3 When choosing NDT methods VAT is subject to General requirements to the order of selection in accordance with GOST R 53966.

4.4 Recommended to use the following NDT methods VAT.

4.4.1 Strain gauge method GOST 52728 using the following types of strain gauges:

— electrosensory 21616 according to GOST 28836 and GOST;

mechanical strain gauges [1];

optical strain gauges;

— string strain gauges, devices, information-measuring digital, with string converters according to GOST 21625.

4.4.2 Magnetic methods based on the measurement of the following parameters:

— Barkhausen noise;

— coercive force;

— magnetic anisotropy;

— magnetic field scattering (method of magnetic memory of metal) according to GOST R ISO 24497−2, GOST R ISO 24497−3.

4.4.3 optical Methods of GOST 23479, including:

interferometric method according to GOST R 52891;

— method of moire stripes;

— method of optically sensitive coatings.

4.4.4 x-ray method.

4.4.5 Acoustic methods based on the phenomenon of customproperty:

— methods that use bulk elastic (longitudinal and transverse) waves in accordance with GOST R 52731, 52890 GOST R and GOST R 53204;

methods using elastic surface waves of Rayleigh [2];

methods using elastic head waves (creeping, subsurface, in foreign literature — ГОСТ Р 55044-2012 Техническая диагностика. Порядок выбора объектов испытаний при калибровке средств диагностирования напряженно-деформированного состояния конструкционных материалов. Общие требованияwave) [3].

4.5 Requirements engineering documents on «OK», methods and means of diagnosing the VAT should not conflict with established standard order selection OI in the calibration means of diagnosing VAT.

4.6 the basis for the selection OI in the calibration means of diagnosing the VAT should be the analysis of the results conducted by the manufacturer, AOPA experimental or analysis results from the practical application of selected methods to the same objects.

4.7 the manufacturer, AOPA, operating, EOPO, as well as the enterprise engaged in the diagnosis of EOPO shall have normative and technical documents on selected NDT method and means of diagnosis of VAT and to have appropriately qualified professionals.

5 General requirements for the selection of test items in the calibration means of diagnosing stress-strain state

5.1 the choice of method of calibration of the means of diagnosing the VAT in the factory, the design and operation of normative-technical documentation on the OK should be considered first and foremost objectives of the study (control of residual stresses, the stresses after manufacturing, the assessment of VAT in the process of operation and other tasks).

5.2 If you select tax VAT and method of calibration of the means of diagnosis of VAT you need to validate the selected NDT methods for compliance with GOST R 52330.

5.3 To determine the dependence on a qualitative level parameters of the method used NK from mechanical stresses in the material, EOPO allowed calibration diagnostics tools VAT on samples (standards).

5.4 For determining the dependence of the method’s parameters NK from VAT real OK recommended, nonstandard calibration of the selected means of diagnosing VAT.

Note — Nonstandard calibration is that the means for the diagnosis of VAT are configured directly on real is OK by comparing the results of the control VAT, obtained by the action of workloads and after their withdrawal.

5.5 as OI in the calibration means of diagnosing VAT can be used models of simulating working conditions of real OK, given the scale factor.

5.6 allowed the use of combined methods of calibration of the means of diagnosing VAT on samples (standards) on the real objects depending on the objectives of the study.

5.7 selecting OI for calibration of diagnosis of VAT you need to consider the locality of control and the area (volume) averaging in the assessment of VAT OK.

6 security Requirements

6.1 To perform work on calibration diagnostics tools VAT construction materials, AOPA allow operators with skills of operation of the chosen equipment and means of diagnosis of VAT, capable of using normative and technical documents on relevant NDT trained to work with the applied measurement devices and certified for knowledge of regulations of safety in the relevant industries.

6.2 the Operator shall abide by the rules of technical safety for operation of electrical installations* 12.1.019 according to GOST and GOST 12.1.038.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation the document is not valid. Apply cross-industry Rules on labor protection (safety rules) for electrical installations» (SWEAT P M-016−2001, RD 153−34.0−03.150−00). — Note the manufacturer’s database.


[1] Measurements in the industry. Reference book under the editorship of contact Ms. Jolanda profos P., translated from German., kN.2. M.: Metallurgy, 1990. 382 p

[2] non-destructive testing. Handbook ed. by V. V. Klyuev, vol. 4, vol.1. M.: Mashinostroenie, 2004. 226 p

[3] Aleshin N. P. Corners of L. A., Prilutskii, M. A. On the possibility of using head waves for the control of mechanical stresses//welding and diagnostics. 2008. N 3. S. 17−19

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