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Alloy 36НК11


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 36НК11
Designation GOST Latin 36HK11
Transliteration 36NK11
The chemical elements 36NiCo11


Alloy 36НК11 used: for the production of sheets hot-rolled sheets and strips cold-rolled, intended for the manufacture of transducers for Electromechanical filters.


Precision alloy with a small temperature coefficient of frequency (BPC) and low q-factor.


Name Code Standards
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-3021-80

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Si Ni Fe Co
TU 14-1-3021-80 ≤0.05 ≤0.02 ≤0.02 ≤0.2 ≤0.15 35.5-37.5 The rest 10-12
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-3021-80, if the properties of the alloy are in accordance with the TU requirements, the chemical composition is optional.

Technological properties

Name The value
Features of production Sheets hot rolled sheets and steel cold-rolled strip supplied on the other 14-1-3021-80 without heat treatment. The value of the frequency temperature coefficient (BPC) of all sizes after heat treatment under the regime of a supplier should not exceed ±30·10-6 deg.-1 in the temperature range of +20÷100 °C and ±40·10-6 deg.-1 in the temperature range -60÷+20 °C. the quality Factor of the alloy should be not more than 1500. BPC and the quality are checked according to the methods attached to THAT 14-1-3021-80, samples 10h120 mm or 8х50 mm cut in the longitudinal direction of the finished strips and sheets after the heat treatment regime: Heating in a vacuum at a temperature of 950-1050 °C for 1-2 hours, cooling the container air.
Features of storage Products THAT 14-1-3021-80 should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of from 1 °C to 40 °C.

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