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Gold Evil-1 (PLN 999,9 m)


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ЗлА-1
Designation GOST Latin ZlA-1
Transliteration ZlA-1
The chemical elements AuAl-1
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic Зл 999,9м
Designation GOST Latin Zl 999,9m
Transliteration Zl 9999m
The chemical elements Au 999,9м


Gold Evil-1 is used: for the manufacture of gold bullion, including dimensional, supplied for the needs of national economy and export for commercial and other purposes.


Gold refined.


Name Code Standards
Non-ferrous metals, including rare metals, and their alloys В51 GOST 28058-89
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В50 GOST Р 51572-2000

Chemical composition

Standard Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu Zn Sn Sb Pb Bi Mg Ag Au Rh Pd Pt
GOST 28058-89 ≤0.0005 ≤0.0005 ≤0.003 ≤0.0005 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.003 ≤0.005 ≥99.99 ≤0.001 ≤0.003 ≤0.001
Au is the base.
According to GOST 28058-89, the total content of all detectable impurities is ≤ 0.010%.

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