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In 2014, Norilsk Nickel expects an increase in prices for their products

27 June 2013

OJSC MMC «Norilsk Nickel» believe that the price of the main product of the corporation — Nickel — 2014 will be held at the level of 16 thousand dollars per ton… This is stated in the statement of the First Deputy General Director — Evgeny Yakovlev. Prospects for the cost of copper — in the words of a top manager — is estimated at 7.3 thousand dollars per ton… «Substantiate the reasons for long-term maintenance of these low prices of these metals, which are now, we do not see» — sums up its forecast for the representatives of MMC.

Despite the difficulties that accompany the market of non-ferrous metals in the current year, «Norilsk Nickel» continues to work to find a long-term investment projects. To date, approved the program for a total amount of 50 billion. Rubles, and another package of projects (10 billion. Rubles) is pending and should be adopted in the foreseeable future. However, the corporation promised to approach the investment issue more thoroughly. As was recently stated in a statement to journalists, Vladimir Potanin (CEO of «Norilsk Nickel»), the budget of the corporation for the current year was adopted on the basis of nickel prices at the level of 18.8 thousand. Dollars per ton. Currently the price of this metal (like copper), significantly lower than previously predicted (recall that now the cost of nickel on the London Metal Exchange in the area varies 13,85 thousand. Dollars per ton). For the reasons listed above, the management of JSC «MMC» Norilsk Nickel «does not deny the fact that the previously approved schedules of capital investments for 2013 in the amount of 75 billion. Rubles are subject to change, however, according to management, adjustments to the program will be made in the» planned order. «"Today, carefully studied the possible financial return from the proposed capital investment in order to identify the most appropriate and promising ones," — commented the company's top managers.

MMC «Norilsk Nickel» (the main owners — the financial group «Interros» and Rusal «.) — The world's leading manufacturer of Non-Ferrous Metals Corporation provides the supply to the world market is about 38% of the palladium and 22% nickel, 9% platinum and 3% copper. Besides these metals in the range of enterprise contains gold, silver, iridium, osmium, selenium, ruthenium, tellurium.

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