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Fees will be revised

1 July 2014

Indonesian ban affected all structured products, in one way or another connected with the nickel — in particular, their production has increased to a truly record levels. After the abolition of export deliveries of crude Indonesian ore price of one element used in batteries, has increased by 33.6% since the beginning of this year. At least to the situation with nickel affects the political situation, experts have expressed serious concerns about the upcoming sanctions on Russia, which is also a major supplier of nickel. Tandem Indonesia-Russia supplied to the world market about a quarter of the total volume of production. Indonesian ban was caused by the desire to ensure that the investment of foreign representatives in the country's businesses. As for Russia, the aggravated relations with Ukraine gave rise to speculation which began and affected the possibility of economic sanctions.

Cancelling a ban on the export of nickel raw materials Indonesian authorities do not plan to, thereby holding the high cost of nickel and providing undeniable effectiveness, among other metals in the third and fourth quarters of this year, and along with more than a possible shortage in the near future. Industrial metal Appreciation expectedly lead to increased cost of more structured products from other investors — a practice usually follows the trend.

And a little bit of Fees: International Trade Commission in the United States was given the wording on suitable to the final stage of the 5-year duties on carbon steel, as well as some grades of steel alloy rod, produced in Ukraine, Indonesia, Brazil, Trinidad, Moldova, Mexico and Tobago. Considering the countervailing duty concerning the delivered products from Brazil, as well as anti-dumping duties of goods from Mexico, Trinidad, Moldova, Mexico and Tobago, the Commission has established an affirmative determination. In its opinion in the case cancellation fees possible material damage, caused by the US manufacturer, so as a result of fees for the above countries will remain at previous levels. As to the anti-dumping duties on Ukrainian goods, the Commission established a negative determination. According to her there is no danger of material injury to US producers in the reasonably foreseeable time interval, so that the present procedure for imports from Ukraine will be reviewed.

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