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"Uralelectromed" completed another milestone

28 March 2016

«Uralelectromed» Combine part of the metallurgical complex of UMMC. Today the plant has completed the closing of the thermal circuit. Work is carried out in a newly built copper electrolysis shop. The building is made of heat flow, which allows to continue to carry out works. Now you can not be limited to external processes, but also to carry out internal work on the construction and installation. Vadim Mironov, director of construction and reconstruction, estimated the forthcoming stages. According to him, in 2016 the company will execute a complex of works volume.

In the list of tasks of the first stage includes installation of cranes. In accordance with the work schedule will be completed in April. Subsequently, the cranes will be used for the mounting of industrial equipment — polimerbetone electrolysis baths. In general, however, planned to install 448 baths. To date, work is underway to install anti-corrosion protection of farms overlap. They include processing sandblasting, priming and blasting. Next fireproof paint is applied to the metal structures. However podseriynye mounted racks. Implemented by reinforcing the foundation under the platform of tank equipment. After that, the subsequent stages of the concreting.

It is expected that the installation of the pump, tank equipment will be produced in 2016. There will also be carried out installation of ventilation equipped with heat recovery systems, valves. The plans of the construction of pipelines technology, railways, power plant organization. This year, the job list will harness pipes, plastic tubs. Scheduled installation busbars system.

Construction IIocheredi plant started in July 2014. Its principle of operation is based on the technology of production of cathodes baseless. Technology lies in the replacement of cathode copper bases. They are deposited in the electrolysis of copper. Instead of such bases will be used with stainless steel cathodes. After starting work IIocheredi production capacity for the development of cathode copper will increase. The annual output will be 320 000 tonnes. It is expected that in 2016 investment in the project will amount to 1.6 bln. RUB. In general, the investment volume will reach 4.6 billion. RUB. First of all, copper electrolysis shop was put into operation in 2012. Investments amounted to over 4.4 billion. RUB.

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