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General information about alloying

What is alloying

Alloying (German: legieren, from Lat. ligare - "to bind") is introduction of additives into materials to optimize performance properties of the alloyed material. A distinction is made between bulk (metallurgical) and surface (ionic, diffuse) alloying. The supplier guarantees high quality in accordance with GOST and international standards.

Alloying technologies

Chemical elements are added to the melt or charge (e.g. nickel, chromium, vanadium in steel) to improve the mechanical properties of the material. To improve the hardness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance of the surface layer of the metal are different kinds of surface alloying. which are carried out at the final stages of obtaining metallic material. In the production of special types of ceramics and glass, surface alloying is performed. In contrast to spraying, additives diffuse into the alloying material and become part of its structure.


In the production of semiconductor devices small amounts of additives are added through nanotechnology to correct the electrical properties of the semiconductor, its conductivity parameters


Auremo supplier's alloyed stainless steels and alloys meet GOST and international quality standards. Supplier "Auremo" offers to buy alloyed steel on favorable terms. We offer to buy stainless steel from the specialized warehouses of the supplier "Auremo" with delivery in any city. Wholesale customers the price - preferential. Always in stock alloy steel, the price - the best from the supplier. We are waiting for your orders.

Buy a bargain price.

Supplier "Auremo" offers alloy steel, the price - due to the technological features of production without the inclusion of additional costs. The company's website displays information about the latest arrivals of products. It is possible to buy stainless steel of non-standard parameters to order. We have the best price-quality ratio for the whole range of products.