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GOST 12697.13-90

GOST 12697.13−90 Aluminium. Methods for the determination of gallium

GOST 12697.13−90

Group B59



Methods for the determination of gallium

Aluminium. Methods for the determination of gallium

ISS 77.120.10
AXTU 1709

Date of introduction 1991−07−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of metallurgy of the USSR


T. I. Zhilina, N. Ponomareva, I. M. Kozlovskaya

2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee on management of quality and standards from 10.12.90 N 3085

3. The standard fully complies ST SEV 6737−89



The designation of the reference document referenced
Item number
GOST 2603−79
GOST 3118−77
2.2, 3.2
GOST 4038−79
2.2, 3.2
GOST 4166−76
GOST 4461−77
GOST 5457−75
GOST 5955−75
GOST 10929−76
GOST 11069−2001
GOST 12697.1−77
Sec. 1
GOST 12797−77
2.2, 3.2
GOST 17746−96


This standard specifies methods for the determination of gallium in aluminum: photometric when the mass fraction of gallium from 0.001 to 0.1%, and atomic absorption for the mass concentration of gallium from 0.01 to 0.1%.


General requirements for methods of analysis GOST 12697.1.


2.1. The essence of the method

The method is based on dissolving the samples in hydrochloric acid, the formation of blue-green gallium ion associate with malachite green in hydrochloric acid medium with concentration of 6.0−6.5 mol/DMГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, the extraction of the ion associate with benzene and subsequent measurement of optical density at a wavelength of 635 nm.

2.2. Apparatus, reagents and solutions

Type photoelectrocolorimeter FEK-56M, PEC-60, KLF or spectrophotometer type SF-16, SF-26 or similar type.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118, diluted 1:1 and 1:3.

Nickel (II) chloride according to GOST 4038, a solution with a mass fraction of 0.2%.

Titanium trichloride.

Titanium sponge grade TG-100 GOST 17746.

Chloride titanium: 4.65 g of titanium was placed in a conical flask with a capacity of 250 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, and dissolved in 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof hydrochloric acid (1:1) with moderate heating. The solution was cooled, poured into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with hydrochloric acid (1:1) and stirred. Store the solution in dark place in a tightly closed bottle or vessel made of dark glass.

Malachite green (tetramethyl-4,4'-diamino-triphenyl-carbonyl chloride), a solution of 20 g/DMГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия: 2 g of finely powdered malachite green dissolved in 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof hydrochloric acid (1:3) and the solution was filtered. Solution stored in a vessel made of dark glass.

Benzene according to GOST 5955.

Sodium sulfate according to GOST 4166.

Gallium (III) oxide (GaГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияOГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия).

Gallium technical GOST 12797.

Standard solutions of gallium.

Solution a: 1,0000 g of gallium or 1,3442 g pre-calcined at a temperature of 300 °C and cooled in a desiccator gallium oxide (III) is dissolved in 50 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof hydrochloric acid (1:1) solution is transferred into a measuring flask with volume capacity of 1000 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof solution A contains 1.0 mg of gallium.

Solution B: 5.0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияmortar And placed in a measuring flask with volume capacity of 1000 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with hydrochloric acid (1:1). The solution is prepared before use.

1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution contains 0.005 mg of gallium.

Solution: 20.0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution is placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with hydrochloric acid (1:1) and stirred.

1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof the solution contains 0,001

mg gallium.

2.3. Analysis

2.3.1. A portion of the sample weighing 1 g is placed in a beaker with a capacity of 400 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияadd 30 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof hydrochloric acid (1:1) and covered with a watch glass. After the cessation of the violent reaction of the glass with the solution gently warmed until complete dissolution of the sample, then wash a watch glass a small amount of water in a beaker and the solution is evaporated to wet salts. After cooling, to the residue add hydrochloric acid (1:1) in an amount according to table.1 depending on the mass fraction of gallium and heated to obtain a transparent solution. The solution was cooled, transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity according to table.1, rinsing the beaker with hydrochloric acid (1:1), then the same acid solution made up to the mark and mix.

Table 1

Mass fraction of gallium, %

The volume of hydrochloric acid solution, diluted 1:1, seeГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия

Capacity volumetric flasks, cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия

From 0.001 to 0.005 incl.
SV. 0,005 «0,030 «
«0,030» 0,100 «

If necessary, the sample solution was filtered through a dry filter, the average density in the dry beaker, rejecting the first portions of the filtrate. From the sample solution or its filtrate is taken aliquot part of 5 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияand transferred to a dry separatory funnel with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия.

To the solution in separating funnel add 1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof hydrochloric acid to 0.5 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution of titanium chloride (III), shaken for 1 min, then leave for 2−3 min. To the solution add 2.0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution of malachite green, mix, add 20.0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof benzene and shaken for 2 min. After the separation of the aqueous phase is discarded and the organic phase was transferred into a dry volumetric flask with a capacity of 25 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, top up to the mark with benzene and mix, then add 0.2 g of sodium sulfate and shaken to obtain a transparent solution.

Measure the optical density of the extract at a wavelength of 635 nm. Solution comparison is the extract of the reference experiment, carried out simultaneously through all stages of the analysis.

The weight of gallium in the sample solution determined by calibration schedule


2.3.2. To build a calibration curve in five of the six separatory funnels with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияis placed in the mass fraction of gallium less than 0.005% 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 and 5,0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияstandard solution, which corresponds to 0,001; 0,002; 0,003; 0,004 and 0,005 mg of gallium, gallium for the mass concentration of more than 0.005% 0,50; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0 and 4,0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияstandard solution B, which corresponds to 0,0025; 0,005; 0,010; 0,015 and 0,020 mg gallium. In all separating funnels, add such an amount of hydrochloric acid (1:1) to the volume of the solution in the funnel was 5 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, then do according to claim 2.3.1. Solution sixth flask containing a standard solution of gallium, is solution comparisons when constructing the calibration curve.

According to the obtained values of optical density of the solutions and their corresponding mass of gallium to build the calibration graph.

2.4. Processing of the results

2.4.1. Mass fraction (galliumГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия) in percent is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия,

where ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияis the mass of gallium in the sample solution found by the calibration schedule, mg;

ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия — the weight of the portion of the sample corresponding to aliquote part of the sample solution,

2.4.2. Allowable absolute differences of the results of the parallel definitions should not exceed the values given in table.2.

Table 2

Mass fraction of gallium, %
The absolute allowable difference, %
From 0,0010 to 0,0020 incl.
SV. 0,0020 «0,0050 «
«0,0050» 0,0100 «
«0,0100» 0,0200 «
«0,0200» of 0.0500 «
«Of 0.0500» 0,0800 «
«0,0800» 0,1000 «


3.1. The essence of the method

The method is based on dissolving the sample in hydrochloric acid and measuring the nuclear absorption of gallium at a wavelength of 287,4 nm in a flame acetylene — nitrous oxide.

3.2. Apparatus, reagents and solutions

Spectrophotometer atomic absorption model of Perkin-Elmer, Saturn or similar type with a radiation source for gallium and burner for flame acetylene — nitrous oxide.

Water, double-distilled.

Acetylene in cylinders for technical GOST 5457.

The nitrous oxide.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118, diluted 1:1.

Nitric acid according to GOST 4461.

Nickel (II) chloride according to GOST 4038, a solution with a mass fraction of 0.2%.

Hydrogen peroxide according to GOST 10929.

Acetone according to GOST 2603.

Aluminum brand А999 according to GOST 11069, shavings. Immediately before use, the chips are cleaned in a small amount of hydrochloric acid solution, washed with water, acetone, dried in a drying Cabinet at 100 °C for 2−3 min and cooled in a desiccator.

A solution of aluminum 20 g/DMГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия: 10 g of aluminum is placed in a beaker with a capacity of 600 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, is added in small portions with 300 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a hydrochloric acid solution and dissolved by heating, adding 1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution of Nickel chloride. The solution was cooled, transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of 500 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with water and mix.

Gallium metal according to GOST 12797.

Gallium (III) oxide (GaГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияOГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия).

Standard solutions of gallium

Solution a: 1,0000 g of gallium or 1,3442 g of gallium oxide, pre-calcined at a temperature of 300 °C and cooled in a desiccator, dissolved in 50 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a hydrochloric acid solution with addition of 1−2 drops of nitric acid, the solution transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of 1000 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof solution A contains 1.0 mg of gallium.

Solution B: 10.0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияsolution And placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution contains 0.1 mg


3.3. Analysis

3.3.1. A portion of the sample weighing 1 g is placed in a beaker with a capacity of 400 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияand poured in small portions 30 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a hydrochloric acid solution. After the cessation of the violent reaction of the glass with the solution and gently warmed a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution. After dissolution, the excess hydrogen peroxide is removed by boiling. The solution was cooled, transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия, made up to the mark with water and mix.

The solution in the reference experiment is prepared using, instead of sample of sample weighed aluminum brand А999.

3.3.2. To build a calibration curve in six of the seven volumetric flasks with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияis placed 1,0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0; 8,0 and 10,0 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияstandard solution B, which corresponds to 0,1; 0,2; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8 and 1,0 mg of gallium. To all flasks add 50 cmГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияof a solution of aluminum, made up to the mark with water and mix.

Measure the atomic absorbance of gallium in the sample solution, the solution control experience and solutions to build a calibration curve at a wavelength of 287,4 nm in a flame acetylene — nitrous oxide.

From the obtained values of atomic absorption solutions containing a standard solution, subtract the value of atomic absorption of a solution containing a standard solution, and the obtained values of atomic absorption and corresponding mass of gallium to build the calibration graph.

The value of atomic absorption solution in the reference experiment is subtracted from the value of atomic absorption of the sample solution and the calibration schedule find a lot of gallium in the sample solution.

3.4. Processing of the results

3.4.1. Mass fraction (galliumГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия) in percent is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия,

where ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлияis the mass of gallium in the sample solution found by the calibration schedule, mg;

ГОСТ 12697.13-90 Алюминий. Методы определения галлия — the weight of the portion of the sample,

3.4.2. Allowable absolute differences of the results of the parallel definitions should not exceed the values given in table.2.