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KUZOTsM has summed up the results of last year

15 May 2017

KUZOTsM — Kamensk-Ural'skiy Zavod po obrabotke tsvetnykh metallov, published the economic results of last year. The plant’s revenues reached 6.5 bn RUB. This figure corresponds to the results in 2015. Simultaneously, net income decreased in 5.6 times. If earlier it was just £ 34 million, 2016 figure reached only 6.1 million RUB. This was reported by the press service of the KUZOTsM.

An opinion was expressed by Olga Zubin, Director General of the plant. The main factors affecting the decrease in net profit include market conditions. Refers to currency fluctuations, and take into account the reduction in the cost of copper on the LME compared to last year. It should take into account the changed structure of sales. Increased the volume of exports increased the number of low-margin brass rental. Growth reached 3% compared to 2015. The number of high-margin of rolled copper decreased. Despite some difficulties, the plant persists in its development strategy. Specialists of the company hope that in 2017 KUZOTsM will show positive results. The calculation is done on the stabilization of commodity market in numerous industries.

One of the main goals of the current year the output of the enterprise at high rates relative to 2016. Refers, both production and sales. If you believe the forecasts of the RF Ministry of economic development the last couple of years there will be a gradual decline in the recession of domestic industry. It gives hope for the development of implementation of high-margin rental of various types. Means the Nickel, copper or copper-Nickelproducts.

Among the tasks of KUZOTsM — modernization of production, search of new points of sale. Further introduction of new products, given the direction of «import substitution». Russian industry developed sufficiently for self-provision of the required technologies. Respectively gradually disappears from the economic sense of supply of the Western analogues of products. It is assumed that the result this year will grow both revenue and net income.

Last year the plant showed growth of production results. Production volumes of the plant’s production for the year increased 4.1 percent from 19.4 to 20.2 thousand tons. The number of non-ferrous metal increased by 8.2%.

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