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ArcelorMittal will reduce the volume of steel production at the mini plant in Barra Mansa

1 March 2019

ArcelorMittal announced that it intends to reduce production of steel. Make it planned for its mini plant in Barra Mansa. He refers to the Brazilian subsidiary of the Corporation. The plant is located in Rio de Janeiro. Its capacity is about 800 thousand tons per year. We are talking about the rebar and wire rod. Due to the reduction of steel smelting, the finished product will not be made less. For its production will be used semi-finished products. The company will receive from other Brazilian mills. This refers to the plants of the Corporation.

The decline in production at the factory related to manufacturing integration. In addition, it will allow you to achieve some savings. We will remind, earlier the factory belonged to the company Votorantim Siderurgia. Corporation ArcelorMittal acquired it last year. Thus for last year the company produced 92.5 million tons. Compared to the previous year, which is 0.6% lower. ArcelorMittal is the largest steel company in the world. The reason for this lower figure is a simple one of plants. We are talking about plant «Mittal steel Temirtau», which is located in Kazakhstan. It was the accident that led to six weeks of downtime.

As for global sales, the volume increased. At the end of last year he made up 76.03 billion. In comparison with an indicator of 2017, this is by 10.7% more. EBITDA also showed growth. He was 22.1%. In quantitative terms, the figure is 10,265 billion. In the current year, the Corporation is preparing for the decline in the growth rate. This refers to the rate of growth in apparent steel consumption in the world. The drop can be 0.5−1%.

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