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CrN68VKTU-vi (circle, wire, tube, sheet, strip) (ep578-vi)

alloying features

Heat-resistant steel of this grade contains 68% nickel in its basis, the second place in its content is occupied by chromium, the remaining volume is occupied by iron, tungsten, aluminum and titanium. The purpose of alloying is to increase the technological properties of the products: heat resistance and heat resistance, the ability to withstand aggressive environments. Excessive alloying increases the cost of the alloy, so the process must be economical: the steel must be technologically advanced and its performance indicators must meet the required level.


The steel is cast in an open-arc furnace. The rolling process takes place at a temperature of 1100°C at the beginning and 800°C at the end of the process. The steel is cooled after deformation. The first mode involves cooling in water, oil or air, while the second mode involves cooling with water, followed by holding the products for 4-4.5 hours. The bars and circles made of CrN68VKTU-vi steel are produced by hot-rolled method and by calibration - to give the products the exact outer diameter. Welding of CrN68VKTYu-vi steel is carried out using electrodes KTI-762.

Percentage composition of the alloy, GOST 5632-72

C Si Fe Mn S P Al Ti Co W Cr Ni Ce B
≤0,08 ≤0,6 ≤4 ≤0,5 ≤0,015 ≤0,01 1-1,5 2,2-2,9 4-5 4-5 16-19 62,5-68,8 ≤0,01 ≤0,1

Of steel ep578-vi is produced round, wire, sheet, pipe, strip of any parameters. We have the best price-quality ratio for the whole range of products.


Power engineering industry (production of machinery and equipment for power generation), missile and aerospace engineering. The heat resistance index is the ability of the alloy to withstand mechanical stresses for a certain period of time at temperatures above 600 ° C. The maximum allowable temperature is about 1050 °C. When creating comfort and warmth in their homes, many people install fireplaces that need heat-resistant chimneys that are resistant to the vagaries of weather. Without heat-resistant pipes can not do without and in industrial production. Seams in this case, must have the same requirements for heat resistance and heat resistance, and depend on the choice of welding materials, welding modes, the presence of heat treatment at the end of the process.


Supplier Auremo offers to buy CrN68VKTU-vi, ep578-vi (rod, wire, pipe, sheet, strip) today on favorable terms. A large selection in stock. Conformity to GOST and international quality standards. Always in stock XN68VKTU-vi, ep578-vi (rod, pipe, ribbon, sheet), the price - the best from a supplier. Buy CHN68VKTU-vi, ep578-vi (round, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)), today. Wholesale customers favorable price.

Buy a bargain price.

Supplier "Auremo" offers on favorable terms to buy CHN68VKTU-vi, ep578-vi (circle, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)) without a surcharge on additional costs. The site displays the most current information about the products, there is a product catalog. Always in stock of CrNi68VKTU-vi, ep578-vi (round, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)), the price - the best from the supplier. Buy today. Under the order it is possible to buy products of non-standard parameters. The order price depends on volume and additional terms of delivery. Supplier "Auremo" invites you to buy ep578-vi (circle, wire, pipe, sheet, strip) in bulk or in installments. We have the best price-quality ratio for the entire range of products. In this segment the company "Auremo" - a profitable supplier. We are waiting for your orders.

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