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Indium processing


Indium primary and secondary processing processes are aimed at producing a pure metal. At the same time, the most sought-after form of the metal is indium-tin oxide. Industrial mining is closely related to the by-product processing of ores of other metals. Indium is mainly found as an isomorphic impurity in ferrous sphalerite, where its content reaches tenths of a percent. Its production is also a by-product of zinc, tin or lead production. As with the production of other rare earth metals, the processing of indium requires multi-step transformations, using both chemical reagents and modern technology. The initial raw material is treated with sulfuric acid and converted into a solution, from which a concentrate is extracted by hydrolytic precipitation. From the concentrate the rough metal is extracted by cementation on zinc and aluminum. Various methods are used for refining, such as zone smelting. Supplier Auremo offers to buy high quality products that meet GOST and international standards.


The amount of indium used is highly dependent on the global production of liquid crystal screens. In 2007 450 tons were mined in the world and one and a half times as much was obtained through recycling. Production cost of 1 kg of this metal is about $800. According to current assessments the reserves of this metal will be exhausted in the next 20 years if recycling technologies are not optimized.


Supplier Auremo offers to buy indium and indium alloys in bulk or in installments. Large selection of semi-finished products in the warehouse of the supplier "Auremo". We have the best price-quality ratio. We invite you to partner cooperation. The best price from the supplier.

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Auremo is a supplier of certified rolled metal products in Eastern and Central Europe, sells rare earth metals on the most favorable terms. Our supplier Auremo offers a wide range of products in its catalog. The price depends on the order volume and additional delivery terms. Experienced managers will promptly help to buy indium. A large assortment will not leave you without a choice.

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