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Steel 60S2A


Steel 60S2A

Steel 60S2A: brand of steels and alloys. Below is the systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the grade — Steel 60S2A.

General information of steel 60S2A

Substitute brand
steel: 60S2N2A, 60S2G, 50HFA.
Delivery type
Wire 60s2a, circle 60s2a, sheet 60s2a, strip 60s2a, strip 60s2a, long products, including shaped: GOST 14959−79, GOST 2590−71, GOST 2591−71, GOST 2879−69, GOST 7419.0−78 — GOST 7419.8 -78. Calibrated bar GOST 7417−75, GOST 8559−75, GOST 8560−78, GOST 1051−73. Polished bar and silver bar GOST 14955−77, GOST 7419.0−78 — GOST 7419.8−78. Tape GOST 2283−79, GOST 21997−76. Strip GOST 103−76, GOST 4405−75. Wire GOST 14963−78. Forgings and forged billets GOST 1133−71, GOST 14595−79.
Thoroughly loaded springs, torsion shafts, snap rings, collets, friction discs, Grover washers, etc.

Chemical composition of steel 60S2A

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 1.6−2.0
Manganese (Mn) 0.60−0.90
Copper (Cu), no more 0.20
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.25
Sulfur (S), no more 0.025
Carbon (C) 0.58−0.63
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.025
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.30

Mechanical properties of steel 60S2A

Mechanical properties

Heat treatment, delivery condition σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% HB
Steel categories: 3.3A, 3B, 3V, 3G, 4.4A, 4B. Hardening 870 ° С, oil, tempering 420 ° С. 1375 1570 6 20  
Isothermal quenching 860−880 ° С, molten salt 310−330 ° С. Vacation 310−330 ° С, air. 1570 1770 12 50  
Springs. Winding 850−950 ° C. Hardening 850 -870 ° С, oil. Vacation 430−460 ° С, air.         388−477
Ressops. Hardening 850−870 ° С, oil. Vacation 400−450 ° C, air.         387−418

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

test t, ° C σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2
Bar with a diameter of 17 mm. Hardening 860 ° C, oil. Vacation 550 ° С, 3 h. НВ 340−364
20 1090 1270 11−13 33 24
300 930 1220 fifteen 44 43
400 820 950 19 71 44
500 510 590 23 87 43
Hardening 860 ° C, oil. Vacation 425 ° C
20 1570 1710 ten 46 32
200 1370 1670 thirteen 40 34
300 1270 1570 20 58  
400 1080 1220 22 71  

Mechanical properties depending on the tempering temperature

vacation t, ° С σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2 HB
Hardening 850 ° С, oil. Vacation
300 1960 2160 2 36 ten 462
400 1470 1670 7 39 eighteen 425
500 1080 1290 ten 42 29 340
600 730 1030 17 48 24 298

Technological properties of steel 60S2A

Forging temperature
Beginning 1200, end 800. Cooling of workpieces with a section up to 250 mm in air, 251−300 mm — in a pit.
not applicable for welded structures.
Machinability by cutting
In the hot-rolled state at HB 270−320, σ B = 1080 MPa K υ tv.spl. = 0.70, K υ = 0.27.
Tendency to release ability
not inclined
Flock sensitivity
not sensitive

Temperature of critical points of steel 60S2A

Critical point ° C
Ac1 770
Ac3 820
Ar3 770
Ar1 700
Mn 305

Impact strength of steel 60S2A

Impact strength, KCU, J / cm 2

Delivery status, heat treatment +20 -70
Hardening 850 С, oil. Vacation 460 C, 1 h, air. 39 34

Endurance limit of steel 60S2A

σ -1, MPa n σ B, MPa σ 0.2, MPa Heat treatment, steel condition
686 1E + 6 1680   Isothermal hardening, exposure at 330 C, 1 h. Vacation 300 C, 1 h.
637 1E + 6 1810   Hardening. Vacation 420 C.
500   1900 1760 Quenching, oil. Vacation 400 S.
421   1570 1370  

Hardenability of steel 60S2A

Hardening 850 ° C.

Distance from the end, mm / HRC e
1.5 3 4.5 6 nine 12 fifteen eighteen 27 39
60−67 59−67 57−66 54−65 44.5−63 38.5−60 35.5−56 34−52.5 30−43.5 27−39.5
Amount of martensite,% Crit. Diam. in water, mm Crit. Diam. in oil, mm Crete. hardness, HRCэ
50 47−82 24−53 51−53
90 60 36 58−60

Physical properties of steel 60S2A

Test temperature, ° С 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Normal elastic modulus, E, GPa 212 206 198 192 181 178 158 144 134  
Torsional shear elastic modulus G, GPa 82 80 77 74 69 68 60 54 50  
Density of steel, pn, kg / m 3 7680 7660 7630 7590 7570 7520        
Thermal conductivity coefficient W / (m ° С) 28 29 29 thirty thirty thirty 29 29 28  
Test temperature, ° С 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10−6 1 / ° С) 11.8 12.7 13.3 13.7 14.1 14.5 14.4 12.2    
Specific heat (C, J / (kg ° C)) 510 510 520 535 565 585 620 700    

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