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Copper processing and production processes

Processing and production of copper

Copper is smelted from sulfide and oxide ores. Native copper is rare, when the metal is in a free form. Sulfide and oxide ores are not rich in copper
. Therefore, before smelting, the crushed ore is subjected to mechanical enrichment; valuable minerals are separated from the bulk of the waste rock; the result is a number of concentrates: copper, zinc, and pyrite. Among the sulfide ores, we should mention copper kolchendan or chalcopyrite CuFeS2, chalcocyte Cu2S, and covelite CuS. The waste rock consists of pyrite FeS, quartz SiO2, magnesium and calcium carbonates, and various silicates containing oxides of aluminum, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Pyrometallurgical production is effective when the ores are subjected to beneficiation. The molten mass is separated into two liquid layers: sulfide matte and oxide slag. The liquid matte is blown in converters with air to oxidize sulfide iron, convert the iron to slag and separate out the blister copper. Blister copper is further refined to remove impurities. The pyrometallurgical method of ore processing can be called one of the most popular ones. Electrolysis or hydrometallurgical technology are considered to be alternative ones.

Processing of copper semi-finished products

Among the processing methods, three main ones can be distinguished:


-2) mechanical;


1)Heat treatment has several variants of hardening and annealing. The purpose of its application is to optimize such parameters as wear resistance, strength, ductility and elasticity. The impact of annealing, the removal of hardening and stress. .

2) Mechanical processing is divided into broaching, rolling, grinding and polishing. Regarding polishing, it is very important to maintain the speed of the polisher to prevent excessive removal of the top layer.

3) The use of copper turning makes it possible to obtain products in the form of bushings, pins, fittings and flanges. Additionally, it is possible to distinguish the chemical treatment of copper, aimed at degreasing and etching (oxidizing or non-oxidizing). The main tool on which copper is processed is usually an automated machine. The machining and production is constantly improving. The more technologically perfect this equipment is, the higher the accuracy of the production of the most complex parts.


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