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CHTPZ best wishes
31 December 2016
In anticipation of the upcoming New 2017 it’s time to take stock of the passing year, and award the winners well-deserved awards. Has not violated this rule and Chelyabinsk tube rolling plant, noting the best employees. At the...
China has financially supported the merger of the steel companies
28 December 2016
It became known that the Chinese authorities intend to support mergers and acquisitions of steel companies. An official statement was published on the government website of China. According to the statement, the government...
Last month, steel production in the world increased by five percent compared to last year
26 December 2016
World steel Association has published data on steel production for November. According to sixty-six countries participating for the last month amounted to 132,5 million tons. The figure is five percent higher than the November figure...
The U.S. could face a lack of qualified specialists in metallurgy
25 December 2016
Statements of the newly elected head of the White house — Donald trump give rise to new problems. The intention is to modernize the infrastructure of the country may face a shortage of qualified professionals.
Liberty house is closer than ever to buying mining and metallurgical company
23 December 2016
British company Liberty Hous passed to the next stage of bidding for the sale of the mining company. The news became known from the head of Liberty — Sanjeev Gupta. The auction is held in Dubai, on sale Australian...
Director of JSC "Severstal" made a report about prospects of modern technologies in metallurgy
21 December 2016
The thirteenth of December, at the world economic forum in Moscow was made by Aleksey Mordashov, Director of Severstal. The presentation took place during the plenary session. Where the theme was the new industrial revolution...
Basic earnings Metinvest B. V. has grown in 9 months by 21%
19 December 2016
For the nine months, the Dutch company Minvest BV has achieved profit growth in the twenty-one percent. With the beginning of the year, the company managed to receive almost a hundred million dollars. Information was published...
The head of the Corporation, Tata called the Savior of the British steel industry
18 December 2016
The British newspaper, the call, interim President of the Corporation, Tata RATAN Tata, the Savior of the local steel industry. So, thanks to the journalists RATAN Tata received the nickname «man of steel». In the...
Moody's offers a negative Outlook for the steel sector in Asia
13 December 2016
The company Moody’s Investors Service made a negative Outlook for Asian metals market. Profits of Asian steelmakers in the next year, according to forecasts, will be very high. According to experts, the decline in profitability...
US Steel will restore ten of thousands of jobs in the United States
12 December 2016
United States Steel announced its intention to restore jobs in the United States. In Pittsburgh, the company’s management says that they want to provide jobs for ten of thousands of people. However, the Executive Director...
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