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"Kazakhmys" continues to modernize

22 April 2015

Project Corporation «Kazakhmys», including the modernization of prefabricated facilities and technical re-equipment of production, continues to gain momentum. The program extends the implementation of large-scale corporate projects.

Last year, major investments were directed to support and modernization of existing equipment. Also produces mining and capital works on the operating mines. Karaganda region has become a platform for realizaii major projects. They touched upon the refinement and operational exploration of Zhezkazgan deposit, Smart-complex «Nurkazgan» building plants for the hydrometallurgical processing of copper rougher concentrate. For the realization of projects for the development of technical regulations to improve performance for processing raw materials involved SRI specialists.

construction of a crushing and conveyor complex in the framework of the project «Western Nurkazgan» was completed in 2014. Zhezkazgan smelter re-started production of the product. Also completed work on reconstructing Karagaily and Balkhash enrichment plants.

This year, the management of «Kazakhmys» calculates to invest about 55 billion. Tenge. The funds will be directed to the production and maintenance of its work, reconstruction, development of raw material base, the energy field. The projects include renovations of existing buildings and the restoration of the Balkhash smelter production equipment.

According to Marat Kosybaeva, Director of Planning Department of «Kazakhmys» investments, the corporation plans to introduce additional funding. It will be aimed at supporting and modernization of production, and exploration. Investments are designed to provide high efficiency and safety of business processes. The specialists of «Kazakhmys» improving existing technologies and introduce new systems of performance workflows. At the same time M. Kosybaev sure that the cost of copper, is quite low and unstable today, virtually no effect on the investment program. Of course, the developed software may require certain amendments. But the funding will be provided in the process, as needed.

Since the beginning of February, «Kazakhmys» holds an emergency process optimization, taking into account the difficult economic situation. However, the mass layoffs will not get any work, although some unprofitable enterprises to temporarily stop their work.

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